Picture of Sergio Ravera

Sergio Ravera

Raised in a family tradition of merchants, my entrepreneurial spirit drove me to launch my first e-commerce venture in 1998. My vision and dedication led, in 2002, to the founding of Artera, now a leading brand in premium managed cloud hosting services. As Chief Executive Officer, I lead DHH Switzerland SA, part of the international DHH S.p.A. group, listed on the Milan Stock Exchange with the reference code (AIM – ISIN: IT0005203622). It is under this brand that the Artera brand continues to grow and thrive. In addition to my commitment to the business world, I am an active researcher in the field of new technologies, always fascinated by cutting-edge innovations in the industry.

Brexit and domain registration

In the referendum on June 23, 2016, the British electorate voted to leave the United Kingdom from the European Union. In October 2019, the United

Cos'è l'housing per i server?

What are housing and co-location services?

The concept of housing, increasingly used by insiders, refers to the granting to a user of a leased physical space in which to insert the server that the user owns.

Swiss Hosting

Hosting in Switzerland: top reliability and privacy

Security, reliability, quality and respect for privacy: these are the pillars at the base of the hosting service in Switzerland proposed by Artera. Let’s find out what are the advantages of having an IP in neutral and discreet Switzerland.